
Channel II; Fóstbræður, Stelpurnar, Réttur.
Ruv; Áramótaskaup,Radius, Limbo, Örninn er sestur, Dagsljos, Spaugstofan

Skjár 1; Hæ Gosi.   

Movies:  LaggóThorskur, Sigla Himinfley, King Jörundur 
Children shows: Stundin okkar; Skrítla og Trítla, "Trjálfar", Ungmennafelagid; Söngvarborg (director and actor).

Devils´Island, Kaldaljós, Stella í framboði and The maiden and the house, Didda og dauði kötturinn, Malbik, Agnes,Rust, Sodoma, Nei er ekkert svar, Einkalíf, Í takt við tímann.

-Small family Business (National Theatre) -A Flea in Her Ear (City Theatre)
-Platanov (City Theatre) -Uncle Vanja(City Theatre) -Tartuffe(City Theatre)
-Macbeth(Emilía Theatre) -The cherry orchard (Emilía Theatre)
-Cabaret (City Theatre) -Danny and the deep blue sea   (Andtheatre)
-Pippi Longstocking (City Theatre) -The School for Clowns (City Theatre)
-Run for your wife (City Theatre) -A guide to Sexual Misery (Theatermogul)
-The Vodkadiet (Vodkakúrinn) (Ísmedia) -Hunger (Fimbulvetur)
-Funny Money (City Theatre)  -The Lying kind (City Theatre)
-The Consulate (City Theatre) -Grumpy Old Women-(Akureyri Theatre)

STAND UP: All TV channels in Iceland, theaters, radiostations; “Útvarp Bolur”2005, festivals in Europe and USA,  in companies and corporations a.o.

ADVERTISING:    Ibazar (Panartica), Saga film: Urval Utsyn - Sjova, Kino, Lotto, Tal (spokesperson),TM-princess (Pluton), Diet-coke (Magus).Osta og smjörsalan (Glansmyndir), Gyða Sól; Byko;Expo

EDUCATION:           Theatre school of Iceland (“85-”89).  Workshops in clownery, singing, belly dancing and belly dance teaching, flamingo and workshop with Theatre de complicité.

Helga Braga's complete CVCV